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Posted: Mon Oct 10 2011 7:36 am
by PitmanKeith
Attendances are definitely on the up.

The average is standing at 670 for the first seven games.

Even if you take out the inflatory Stafford and Chester games it still gives a healthy average of 519.

Recent average attendances are as follows:

2010/11 SPL 409
2009/10 SPL 375
2008/09 NPL 391
2007/08 NPL 409
2006/07 NPL 636 (includes 1 very inflatory game v AFC Telford att 3005 take out and ave. becomes 517)

Extremely well done to everyone concerned.

Re: Attendances

Posted: Mon Oct 10 2011 11:04 am
by Mark
Thanks for those stats Keith. At the point before the SA launched in December the 2010/2011 average was showing a downward trend still from the year before (277 against Hemel being an example).

Ok the football improved, but there has been a LOT of good work on fixture distribution, publicity and the online media, which has made supporting us easier than ever.

I still think we can continue to grow the attendances through to next year too. We still have a few more tricks up our sleeve to continue our transformation of the online media, and once this is done, we can start to look at more and more new ways of generating support. I would also like to see another fixture push over the next month or so, so we can continue to maintain the higher than average gates we are getting.

I will always remember the game against Hemel last year in front of 277. Frankly, I thought it was going to be near impossible to turn around our decline. Fast forward a year, we average double that, and have began implementing the programmes to keep it there. I couldn't be more happy with the work that has been carried out by a great group of people.

That being said, there is always room for improvement - you can all do your bit by getting involved with the fixture distribution programmes, by bringing a friend to the game, and showing your mates our online media. The more people that get involved with this, the quicker our average will rise!

Re: Attendances

Posted: Mon Oct 10 2011 11:36 am
by Glyn
When we thought we had a choice as to whether we stayed South or headed North this season, increased crowds were a factor in favour of the move (whereas the higher likelihood of automatic promotion suggested staying South would be better)

The increased attendances, outwith the Chester and Stafford games to which Keith has referred, bear out the points we made, but it's also worth stating that of our visitors so far this season, several have NOT brought many with them, Frickley and SPS being two such examples (ironically those two games have coincided with no local senior football, not the most attractive opposition to lure neutrals) .... so I think we can safely say that the trend in HOME support is upwards.

Encouraging - and with a FA Cup home game against decent opposition on Saturday and, dare we hope, more of the same to come..... but yes, we aren't resting on any laurels

And hey, we just might get that promotion anyway.... with a higher base attendance to take up with us....