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Video Highlights/Communication

Posted: Mon Sep 02 2024 8:53 am
by Del
Mainly this is for Dan I think!

1) Last season the video highlights began with the 'team sheets' - this season we are not seeing those. Is there any specific reason for this as for exiled fans like me player identification is vital!!
2) The videos certain do not seem to be as clear as last season, even on a full size Pc screen I often struggle to see where the ball is and who has got it!

This is not a criticism of you Dan - just a couple of things I have noted because with the lack of any commentary for games now (why?), the video highlights are the only link I and many others have with the Club.

A lot of money seems to have been spent on the Club regarding extra personnel and improvements for matchday supporters, but nothing done for those who cannot attend.

Comments welcome from those in the know!

Re: Video Highlights/Communication

Posted: Tue Sep 03 2024 12:48 am
by PitmanKeith
I can only assume the VEO camera is being used to put out a highlights package and I agree it is not fit for purpose regarding highlights. It's real function is as an overview of the game to monitor and track players performances during a game.
I am pretty sure I am right here because if you watch the "Inside" videos that Dan puts out he is filming clips pitchside during the game, so is not filming the highlights we see.
On the other side of the pitch it is nigh on impossible to see the ball, determine who it is that has it or know if a goal has scored.
As regards commentary on games because I don't get to most away games I am also missing this. Dave Chamberlain used to do a pretty good job can I assume he is no longer with us and as such we have no one to do commentary. There must be someone out there studying media at college who could do this as works experience and be grateful to do it.

Can we get the above sorted please guys or at least get a response from someone at the club as to why/why not these things are happening.

Re: Video Highlights/Communication

Posted: Fri Sep 06 2024 8:34 pm
by Scott
As another long distance supporter the video highlights (even when the football wasn't great in the last couple of years) have always been appreciated. It is a shame to see us using a poorer output this season for highlights as like others it is sometimes hard to follow the build-up play etc around goals/chances by using the VEO camera.

More than once I have had the radio commentary on in the flat, another good way to keep in touch.

Hopefully both of these can be looked into as the season goes on.