Re-arranged Marine Match

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Real Ale Fan On Tour

Re-arranged Marine Match

Post by Real Ale Fan On Tour »

A total of 24 travelled to Marine last night, not bad for a wet and windy Tuesday night, hopefully we can get a similar number to the rearranged match but that depends if The Travel Club are able to afford to run a coach.
In recognition for the effort made by all concerned, those non Gold Members who travelled received back half the cost of their fare and Gold Members who travelled to Marine will get a free place on the coach to Bedworth (those Gold Members who did not travel will pay £4-00).
As a committee we felt this was the honourable thing to do under the circumstances, consequently if we run a coach back to Marine it will be outside the Gold Membership scheme with all travelling paying on the day but, we can only do this if enough travel to cover the costs of a coach. If not then we will not be running a coach as we cannot afford to do so at a loss.
Alternatively if sponsorship / donation of £200-00 were raised then this would assist the Travel Club in meeting the costs of a return coach. So any interested parties from either football club, as our team would want an away following and sure Marine would also want to see a sizeable number of away fans through the turnstiles, or the clubs respective Supporters Associations can assist in raising funds that would be very much appreciated.
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